National Competency Frameworks

Think of the National Family Support Competency Framework as the scaffolding to help grow your career! Family Support Professionals (FSPs) – including family support workers, nurse home visitors, and parent educators – share a core set of essential skills. These professionals operate across a variety of program models such as Healthy Families America, Nurse-Family Partnership, Parents as Teachers, local program initiatives, and many others.

The National Family Support Core Competencies serve as a foundational framework for all professional development trainings offered by the Institute. These competencies ensure that each learning module is both rigorous and directly relevant to the field. By aligning trainings with this framework, professionals can gain the targeted knowledge and skills needed to excel in their roles and advance their careers.

All Institute modules and the Career Compass are based on the National Core Competency Framework for Family Support Professionals or the National Supervisor Competency Framework. You can download the frameworks below.

National Core
Competency Framework

Download English (pdf)
Download Spanish (pdf)

National Competency Framework
Competencies At-A-Glance

Download English (pdf)

National Supervisor
Competency Framework

Download English (pdf)